The first thing we will do when you arrive at the Club, is a small training with safety regulations by our instructors. The basic principles to start practicing ¨axethrowing¨or axe throwing are quite simple and easy to apply, although like any other sport or leisure activity that we start practicing, it requires professional guidance and some practice.
From our experience, what makes axe throwing a brutal activity is that once we master the technique and start nailing it is very addictive! All throwers have different skills, strength, weight, strengths, weaknesses and unique throwing styles.
Our instructors will help you to bring out the Viking in you, depending on your skills. To make a good throw you have to take into account a number of factors that we have to control to achieve the goal:
1. DISTANCE: This is a fundamental factor. Our instructors will help you calculate the correct distance so you can nail your shots.
2. SPEED OF AXE ROTATION: A good throw does not depend directly on how hard you throw. We will help you calculate how axe rotation and speed affect your score.
3. DIRECTION: This is a determining factor. The straighter your throw is, the better your aim will be.
The Axe Club experience begins with a 10-minute tutorial on axe throwing and safety rules by the Warlords.
Afterwards, we will teach you a variety of games with which to lay waste to your enemies in battle. Our most experienced warriors will be on hand to guide you through your entire axe experience, from the first throw to the final crowning of your victorious Warlord.
After the battle you can try one of our more than 14 types of mead or craft beers. In the bar area, you can stay as long as you want before and after the activity. Our bar is free entrance, so if you want to come and visit us and taste the mead, you can do it without previous reservation. If you have any questions or queries, you can contact us by whatsapp +34 626.13.95.33
You can book with us from the web, mail, or WhatsApp on the phone 626.13.95.33 Show up 15 min before at the battlefield to register.
Our War Chiefs will give you a briefing on how to practice axe throwing safely and learn how to throw. Then you can start with some throws and get tips on how to improve or enhance your technique.
It is time to start practicing and improving your technique with our instructors before starting the competition.
Choose from one of our group games or simply practice your throws in free training.
After the games are over, compare scores to crown the winning member as Warlord.
Once the battle is over and the photo has been taken, you can go to our bar area, where you can stay as long as you want enjoying our mead or our craft beer.
It is recommended that you come to live your Viking experience with closed shoes for safety.
You can have a mead or beer during the activity, but it is strictly forbidden to come and enjoy axe throwing under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
We kindly ask you to be punctual. The organization of the reservations depends to a great extent on the punctuality of the attendees.
The right of admission is reserved. Unacceptable and unsportsmanlike behavior is not permitted in our club.
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